The Western musical system, the foundation of much of our musical world, is built upon a diatonic tonal scale. This standard comprises 7 musical notes, which, when combined with accidentals, provide us with 12 different sounds within the scale. However, we know that the universe is teeming with an infinite variety of sounds.
Research conducted in Dakila has unveiled the existence of an 8th musical note, a note that has thus far escaped the attention of the academic music community, and it is called "KALL." An essential aspect to consider is that musical notes are not tied to specific frequencies. Presently, nearly all musicians opt to standardize the tuning of their instruments based on the note A. Most consider that the note A corresponds to a sound wave with a frequency of 440 Hz. These conventions emerged in the modern age, but there is nothing inherently special about the note A in comparison to other notes.
Indeed, the note A has seen multiple frequency values throughout history, all situated within a range of 400 Hz to 450 Hz. A group of musician-researchers contends that the appropriate frequency for musical instruments is one that registers at 432 Hz, harmonizing musical notes with the universal frequency.
So, what exactly is this 8th note?
It is not entirely inaccurate to assert that there are 7 musical notes. Nevertheless, it is more fitting to say that there exists an 8th note linked to the golden ratio. We know that there is a connection between divine geometry, the Fibonacci sequence, and the golden number. This constant establishes an intimate relationship with the golden number (1.61803399), referred to as the golden proportion, which mathematically symbolizes "nature's perfection."
According to research, the famed "Law of the Octave" implies that the following musical notes exist in nature: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, KALL!
KALL is the subsequent sound vibration in the modulation because, in the Law of the Octave, there are seven fundamental notes that remain constant, and the 8th is a higher octave of the matrix note. In other words, it is on a superior frequency scale, akin to a quantum frequency leap.
KALL – The Note That Dispels Chaos
The 8th note elevates the standard of emotional sensory perception, triggering a unique stimulus and a higher motivation that nothing can surpass when it is envisioned in the co-creative processor. It harmoniously and positively engages the body's cells.
As this research points to the existence of an 8th musical note, the musical scale evolves from 12 notes to 13, considering the 8 natural notes and 5 accidental notes.
By representing these 12 musical notes/sounds within the Earth's electromagnetic grid, they can be connected to the 12 constellations. However, the inclusion of 13 musical notes accounts for the presence of a 13th constellation, Ophiuchus. The 8th note, KALL, is also associated with the balance of polarity.
The instrument that comes closest to the 8th note is a viola, as it has not one, but two strings for each note, emitting the same note with an octave interval between them. This feature alludes to a duet, a couple, male and female, speaking in unison. For example, when tuned to C, it will simultaneously produce a C low and a C high note. When played, they emit the same frequency in unison, sounding as one voice, resembling two polarities: the deep voice (masculine) and the high voice (feminine), thus approaching the concept of an 8th note.